Why spend a weekend on your relationship?

We all want deeply satisfying relationships, but sometimes it feels like we're stuck in patterns that hold us back. I may be biased (I am!) but I believe deeply in the importance of our intimate relationships.

In fact, research shows that the quality of our closest relationships can even predict our longevity.

 We know that relationships take work, but few of us know what that work actually is…

The real work of relationships isn’t occasional, it’s minute-to-minute.
And this workshop will teach you those critical minute-to-minute skills that build and sustain true intimacy. 

Designed to help participants make significant progress in a short amount of time, in an intimate setting (max of 24 participants), and with expert guidance from Risa & me, who have trained with Terry Real, the founder of Relational Life Therapy (RLT), we help you to make meaningful change. Relational Life Therapy is a practice that uses a range of powerful diagnostic and transformative tools to help people to first reconnect to themselves in order to build a stronger, more intimate connection with their partner.

Is it magic and will it solve every issue? No (though I have been given a magic wand and been called a fairy therapeutic godmother), but, as past participants have shared, it can be life-changing and revolutionary for your personal life and relationships.

Just ask my husband – we laughed, cried, and came away with a deeper understanding of ourselves and each other, grateful for the group experience.